Thursday, 5 April 2012

I love Food!

Hiya Chester Here, here's a funny story which I happened to do today...

Well I was on my way to get something to eat ( as normal ), when suddenly i saw Muffin's food!

Oh how Delicious it looks...


Well then again, it is rude to waste food! 

So yummy in my tummy!

Uh oh is that...

Muffin's coming,well that makes me off then!

Meow Meow


  1. Run, Chester, run!

    Thank you for visiting our blog today. Looks like you are a new member of the Cat Blogosphere. Welcome!

  2. Hi Chester!
    I'm Abby, I'm top cat over at ManxMnews. I have a brother who looks like you, his name is Ping. In fact I have another brother named Jinx and two sisters named Boo and Gracie. It's nice to meet you and welcome to the CB!


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. We keep getting a 503 error.
    But we hope that we don't end up with three comments!
    Oh dear Blogger just ate my comments again.
    We just dropped in to Welcome you to the CB.
    I'm Abby top cat over at ManxMnews. I have a brother who looks a lot like you Chester!

  5. Hewo Muffin and Chestew!!!
    It's so vewy nice to meet two such lovely kittehs as you!
    Thank you fow visiting me. If you know anything about me, you will know I love kittehs. I can well undewstand the dee lemma of having all that yummieness just sitting thewe beggging to be ee ten. mno one can blame you fow not wesisting, hehehe

    i'm suwe Muffin gots a weplacement bowl
    smoochie kisses

  6. Chester, we always say if you snooze you lose. We hope you got out of there before Muffin made their return. Thanks for the share. Have a great day.
    World of Animals
